Mirsal Education & Training Institute is an educational establishment focused on providing students, teachers, and schools around the globe with specialized quality services, such as language training and consultancy.

Benefits of Being an International Student

Benefits of Being an International Student

Being an international student has many benefits along with its challenges, but that's what makes studying abroad exciting! When you're an international student, you get to benefit from: 1. MANY scholarships International students may often face high tuition fee rates...

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Is studying abroad a good idea?

Is studying abroad a good idea?

Many students often ask themselves and their loved ones this question, but the answer depends on what their goals are in terms of their education. Although each decision we make has its advantages and disadvantages, we believe that the benefits of studying abroad...

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Can I Apply To Universities Without TOEFL or IELTS?

Can I Apply To Universities Without TOEFL or IELTS?

TOEFL and IELTS are English proficiency exams that are used mostly for university applications. However, even though these language proficiency tests are a common requirement for English-speaking universities, you do have other options! Many universities offer...

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